Robert Downey Jr. back as Doctor Doom: Five years after leaving the Marvel superhero universe, Robert Downey Jr. is making a comeback, albeit not in the Iron Man character that started the wildly successful franchise.
In the comic novels that gave rise to the well-liked film series, the actor will return as Dr. Victor Von Doom, a well-known villain.
Marvel announces ‘Avengers Doomsday’
The upcoming May 2026 film Avengers: Doomsday and the next year’s Secret Wars installment will include Downey Jr.
At the Comic Con event in San Diego, stars that will be part of the Marvel franchise were revealed.
Before revealing himself to the audience, Downey Jr. made an appearance on stage while hiding under Doctor Doom’s recognizable mask and green cloak.
“I like playing complicated characters,” he stated in an interview with reporters.
Starring in Iron Man, the first movie in the Marvel movie world, in 2008, the 59-year-old played a crucial role in its launch.
The 2019 Marvel movie Avengers: Endgame included him in the last appearance.
For his performance in Oppenheimer earlier this year, the American actor was awarded an Oscar.
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